Friday, October 30, 2009

Fairfax Village.

What ever happend to it??? I would remember going to fairfax on saturday and seeing a grip of people kickin it and going to their favorite shops. I go back now, and i rarely see anyone walk down the street. I know its the recession, but we need to bring the block back. There was nothing better than camping out for the special t-shirt release that you've been wanting ever since you saw it previewed on your favorite block. I understand the phrase "streetwear is dead," but foreals its boring as fuck these days on fairfax. With this Blvck Scvle pop up store opening on Blvck Friday lets bring the good vibes back. Thats all...



Fairfax has been like that for a while

Anonymous said...

Yo, honestly some of the cats at Fairfax Village aren't chill, they kill the goodvibes.

Tony Tone said...

yo what up guys thank you for your comments. Both of you are right. seeking i was just on your blog and you prob. go down there a bunchof times, and foreals shit aint the same it used to be. Your blog is ill by the way! and anonymous i can see why you say they arnt chill, cause if you dont know them dudes they can kinda judge you, but hey its part of life.